Friday, June 02, 2006

some urban culture

Cities change. Differently, at different speeds and heading different paths. Their changes, more than their characteristics and current appearances, reflect the city's dynamics and evolving atmorsphere. Paris - a city in serach for a contemporary mark. The contemporary art exhibition at Grand Palais tries (without success) to express a progressive art culture in likes of London, Berlin, Cologne. Well, they get the art right but not setting. The fleche d'or has evolved from a bar with it's distinct parisian syndicalist and rebellious feel to a alterno-trendy hoping to be in London. Well they get the music right, but no the people. The places you to change to a state of unrecognizable. I'm not complaining about Paris. Prague - a city in search of what it's not; It's a matter of a few years before the liftestyle will be no different than that of Paris. Look at beast magazine, they compare the Paris' and Pragues with the Talinns and Warsaws. They're right but so wrong. Cities are not what they are but the impact of the all the smallest changes. They're the space flows -in networks and time.


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