Monday, May 15, 2006


It's interesting to analyse a city by its taxis. Not because they're so knowledgeable about thei town -at day or night, but because the taxi density tells a lot about the city : types of flows, wealthiness...
I need information so please, send it along :
This is what I've come up with.
London : 19 000 taxis, 1 taxi for 315 people
Paris : 15 000 taxis, 1 taxi for 166 people
Prague : 7 000 taxis, 1 taxi for 157 people
Dusseldorf : 1 350 taxis, 1 taxi for 555 people
Marseille : 1 200 taxis, 1 taxi for 667 people.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

End of Marseille?

Ryanair announced today it was considering having Marseille its new hub, with up to 50 daily flights. I have to win a job to assess the impact because 50 new flights full of low cost travelers can unfortunately change a city.